Android studio intent default ringtone
Android studio intent default ringtone

From here, select your favorite tune that you want as the default ringtone on your phone. Go to the Audio section to make your selection. You will be taken to the default File Manager app. Now scroll down to the bottom and tap on Add Ringtone. Where item.ringtone is the file name for anycodings_visual-studio example music. Navigate to Settings > Sound > Ringtone as described above. RingtoneManager.SetActualDefaultRingtoneUri(, RingtoneType.Ringtone, newuri) Intent.SetData(($"package:")) Ī.StartActivity(intent) Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ActionManageWriteSettings) Var bi = () Ĭonsole.WriteLine("it haw write permision") Ĭonsole.WriteLine("doenst have permision") Easy to integrate with Push notifications service as Firebase Messaging or any another one. Var inputStream = .ContentResolver.OpenInputStream(newuri) Ĭonsole.WriteLine("File corresponding to the uri does not exist " + newuri.ToString()) Create Local Notifications on Android, iOS and Web using Flutter. In case if we use Intent with proper action ( ACTIONVIEW ), it will invoke a built-in SMS app to send SMS from our application. If we use SMSManager API, it will directly send SMS from our application. The problem was in write permisions i anycodings_visual-studio use the code below to check if the file anycodings_visual-studio exist ask for permision and change the anycodings_visual-studio ringtone and work var newuri3 = ("file:///storage/emulated/0/Ringtones/" + item.ringtone) In android, we can send SMS from our android application in two ways either by using SMSManager API or Intents based on our requirements. This example demonstrates how to set the ringtone in Android from Android activity using Kotlin.

Android studio intent default ringtone